Monday, August 8, 2011

Stepping Stone bridges

You attempt
to inject substance
to fill the cracks
from crystal
bouncing off the porous ivory exterior

staying up for days
just fucking
and calling home
to hear the footsteps
haunt through
the oak floor
up the telephone cord
and out the skylight
you created in your ceiling
with a shotgun.
i just need space

Your orbit decays
like Challenger 7
the day it should have slept in.
The way it feels
to catch a breath
and have your lungs collapse
from a coal mining dynamite misfortune.

Now your just talking sparkling diamonds
instead of bullshit
and heads through walls
or drooling poison all over upturned zippers.
with wet panties in a wasteland of letters i wrote
to myself about how i wanted to find meaning

all these
words down.

licked stamps
pressed against foreheads
if the only thing
that scares you is dying alone
then take a long nap on a train
headed up the coast
and every lighthouse
will remind you of how it felt
to lose your way.

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